Saturday, April 16, 2011


I watched Oprah's Vegan Challenge last week and was intrigued.  I already eat a mostly vegetarian diet, so I wondered, "Can I give up the cheese, eggs and milk too?"  Most of the Harpo employees said how physically good they felt after only a week of a plant based diet.  I want to try it for a week.  Not to lose weight, (although dropping 5 pounds would be great), and not because I feel that ethically I shouldn't eat dairy....I am doing it for the health benefits.  Most of everything I've been reading lately has convinced me that a plant based diet is best for our health and energy level.

I am a 3 year breast cancer survivor, and I'm still taking tamoxifen.  It makes me so tired and energy level is very low, and I have sleep problems.  I'd like to get back to the gym, (I used to be a 5 times a weeker) but just thinking about it seems overwhelming.  On weekends, it's all I can do to get the laundry and the grocery shopping done.  On weeknights, I just lay on the couch and play computer games and watch movies.  I've gained some weight, and I just feel unhealthy.  I recently went on a new medication to counteract the effects of the tamoxifen, but I still don't have the energy and enthusiasm that I used to.

I don't think it will be that big of a change from how I'm eating, but it will still be a challenge.  I'll see how I feel after a week, and decide whether I want to continue.  Or maybe it takes more than a week to feel the effects? 


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